How To One-Click Install WordPress With Softaculous
Have you ever wondered what we mean when we say you can easily install WordPress with just one click? Well, wonder no more, because in today’s tutorial we’ll explain in step by step, how to easily install and configure your wordpress site with your freely provided one-click installer, Softaculous.
First, of course, is log in to your Control Panel. On GOODHost shared hosting plan, we use cPanel. So open http://yourwebsiteaddress/cPanel, and login. Your login details are provided in your welcome email when you first purchase your hosting plan.
Then you should be on the main dashboard of your site’s control panel. Locate the search bar, and type ‘Softaculous’ (without quote marks). You should see softaculous is listed below the search bar.
Click it, and now you should be on Softaculous Apps Installer main screen.
Now, this is Softaculous. To explain it in short, softaculous is a way to quickly install popular web applications and CMS such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and many, many more. Currently there are 413 applications that can be installed very easily using Softaculous, that is integrated in all of our hosting plans.
Okay, back to the tutorial. Click on WordPress. You should now see Softaculous’ WordPress main info page now. From here, you can see list of current wordpress installations on your account (yes, you can easily install & manage multiple wordpress sites using Softaculous), the available and required space to install WordPress, check out the screenshots, or, if you haven’t used WordPress before, try out a demo version of it!
If you’re ready to start installing wordpress, click install. You are now starting the installation process.
Now you can start filling in your website details! You can use either http, or, if you have issued an SSL certificate using Let’s Encrypt from your cPanel, you can pick https:// instead. Using https:// not only increase the security of your site visitors by encrypting their connections to the server, it also boost your Google rankings! So we highly, highly, recommend you activate your freely included SSL Certificate from cPanel, and use https://. Pick the domain & directory where you want to install wordpress. If you want your wordpress site to be available from the primary domain (that means, then leave it empty. If you want to install it in a subdirectory (like, fill it with the name of the subdirectory you want to use.
After that, just enter your desired admin details, and you can leave the rest by default if you want. Click install (remember to put in your email below the install button if you want installation details be sent to you in case you forgot), and Voila! Softaculous will start installing WordPress and in a matter of seconds, your wordpress site will be online and available to the world. 🙂